Interested in Joining?
Are you interested in singing? Do you crave a fun, supportive environment to express yourself? Look no further! Our choir enthusiastically welcomes new members, whether you’re a seasoned vocalist or a beginner who’s never sung a note before. You don’t even need to read music—many of our members started just like that!
Feel free to attend some of our rehearsals to experience the atmosphere. If you decide to become a permanent part of our choir family, we’ll pair you with a buddy to help you settle in. There are no formal auditions, but our Musical Director will guide you to the section best suited for your voice.
There’s a modest subscription fee that covers rehearsal space, director and pianist fees, music, insurance, travel subsidies, concert uniforms, and more.
We rehearse every Thursday, from 7:15-9:15pm at St Andrew’s Methodist Church, 31 Moredon Rd, Swindon SN25 3DF. If you’re ready to start your musical journey with us, drop in for a rehearsal, or contact us below.